Next Generation Publishing

Publishing Software Out of the box XML and DITA publishing software

TopLeaf gives a one of a kind distributing experience. A strong XML Publishing programming with Stylesheet advancement toolbox for distributing complex, exceptionally styled reports sits at the core of the framework. It assists you with distributing complex XML and SGML-organized information easily.

  • TopLeaf XML Publishing Software implements the concept of single source publishing.
  • A TopLeaf stylesheet defines the layout and mapping rules that format each part of the source content.
  • Automatically Create indexes, table of contents, and hyperlinks.
  • Design and customize your content with the stylesheet design tools.
  • The content is kept descriptive without embedded formatting information.
  • Consistently style the output, formatting rules are applied across all content.
  • Supports use of the same content in multiple output streams.
  • Out of the box support and stylesheets for DITA.
  • Multiple Data structures supported, examples include: DITA, JATS, BITS, TEI, DocBook and more.
  • Integrate with XML and DITA editing tools using TopLeaf’s free plug-ins for XMetaL and oXygen.
  • Looseleaf publishing with versioning and differencing, release packs, filing instructions, and list of effective pages.
  • Features include CALS and HTML tables, automatic footnotes, side notes, and floats.
  • Advanced Mathematical equations and expressions described with MathML are supported.

TopLeaf Features

Complete Toolkit

TopLeaf Workstation Template Development Toolkit Programming interface (COM, DLL, EXE) Delivering Engine


Inherent Support for DITA Computerized Typeset-Quality Print Outputs: PDF, HTML, RTF, eBook Outputs

Rendering engine

Completely Automatic Composition and Pagination Client Defined Dictionaries Typeset-Quality Features Joining with Editing and Production Environments


DITA or XML Input with or without a DTD Schema SGML without DTD CALS or HTML tables BMP, EPS, JPG, PCX, PDF, PNG, SVG, TIFF illustrations

Stylesheet Development Toolkit

Page Layout Editor Planning Assistant and Editor Typesetting Log CSS Import

Looseleaf publishing

Change Pages Discharge Versioning Page Differencing Programmed Release Pack Optimization

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